Accredited by the DfE as a Provider of Online Education

EDClass is a Department for Education accredited provider of online education that helps break barriers to learning. The platform is used by many schools and academies as a trusted online alternative provision that promotes personal development so children are well-prepared for adulthood. EDClass is an online education provider that offers a virtual learning classroom and management portal with resources to impact learning, assessment, and catch-up.

We have been providing a robust and safeguarded platform since 2008 delivering personalised learning for online, blended, and flexible learning with UK-qualified teachers available, live, and on-demand.

EDClass accommodates all types of learners including SEND students and those struggling to acquire an EHCP. Schools can drastically reduce their workload and time spent searching for solutions for their students who require support as EDClass can help quickly and efficiently.



"Safeguarding lies at the heart of all things in this setting."

EDClass is a DfE-accredited provider of online education with UK-qualified teachers supporting attendance, engagement, attainment and reintegration. EDClass is a powerful toolbox with a variety of tools that can assist your school or Multi-Academy Trust. This is achieved through personalised learning, scheduled pathways of study and timetabled support for any individual within your organisation. EDClass demonstrates the ability to educate learners from your demographic, through online education.

EDClass has successfully been accredited under the Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS) adhering to several standards regarding safeguarding, teaching, learning and attendance. Our safeguarding policies and procedures fully comply with Keeping Children Safe in Education (“KCSIE”) 2023 and other prominent educational government guidance. EDClass works in partnership with schools and Multi-Academy Trusts to constantly monitor pupils learning, attainment, interactions, engagement, behaviour and attendance in a safe and secure learning environment. This partnership supports evidence to be instantly provided for the required parameters as established in the Education Inspection Framework 2023 that govern alternative provisions. 

Alongside this, we adhere to the SEND and alternative provision improvement plan (2023). In addition to this, we also follow the guidance with UK government legislation for both on and off-site alternative provisions for academies; Suspension and permanent exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement 2022; and Behaviour in schools (2022); and the DfE guidance Working together to improve school attendance document (2022).


EDClass is a fully safeguarded alternative provision that is proven to impact:



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