DfE Accreditation
EDClass is a DfE-accredited Online Education Alternative Provider where “safeguarding lies at the heart of all things in this setting”, where teaching is “rooted in high expectations” so your pupils are “well-prepared to reintegrate into lessons” and mainstream education.
Our Accreditation
EDClass is proud to be accredited by the Department for Education as an organisation that “operates as an alternative provider to support pupils who have difficulty in attending a physical school”.
Ofsted successfully visited EDClass on the 24th and 25th of April 2024 in accordance with the Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS) to highlight the company’s quality when delivering education to children. The OEAS aims to assure schools, local authorities (LA), parents and pupils about the quality of online settings and to ensure high standards are provided.
EDClass is so grateful to be granted this accreditation as it means we can support more children who struggle with their mental health or behavioural challenges. EDClass has “established a caring culture, rooted in high expectations and clear ambition for the pupils who attend the online setting”.
EDClass wants to ensure that every child fulfils their education potential in line with the SEND & AP Improvement Plan and this has been ingrained throughout the entire organisation.
“Leaders have established robust systems that allow their knowledgeable staff to check continually on pupils’ welfare and engagement with learning. Consequently, staff respond swiftly and appropriately to any concerns they identify.”
EDClass works alongside schools, trusts and LAs to implement effective attendance, attainment and engagement strategies for learners who are struggling. As an accredited alternative provider, EDClass is committed to supporting pupils so they can reach their chosen positive destination.
“While attending EDClass, pupils remain on the register of a physical school. Pupils are either based at their homes or are supported to access the provision from within their registered schools.”

Read Ofsted’s report of their accreditation visit to EDClass
Teaching & Learning

The EDClass teaching team are fully qualified and has undergone the safer recruitment process. This is to ensure the best possible standard of education is being delivered to children on the platform.
Pupils work through “carefully considered individualised schemes of work. Known as ‘learning pathways’, these take account of, and build on, the curriculum each pupil was following in their registered school prior to joining EDClass. This includes any specific exam syllabuses. As a result, when pupils return to mainstream education, they are well prepared to reintegrate into lessons”.
EDClass offers a “breadth of curriculum areas required by the online education accreditation scheme”.
“The setting’s curriculum is aligned with the English national curriculum and takes account of the online context in which EDClass operates. It provides a wide range of subjects for pupils to study, including English, mathematics, geography and individual sciences.“
EDClass takes pride in supplying a broad and balanced curriculum where children can thrive and develop their knowledge and understanding.
“Safeguarding lies at the heart of all things in this setting.”
Safeguarding is paramount at EDClass. We ensure that every child learning online has a safe learning environment where they can reach their educational potential.
“The designated leader for safeguarding is experienced in, and has a deep, expert knowledge of, safeguarding. Along with other leaders, she has developed a policy that is detailed and has due regard to guidance published by the Secretary of State.”
If any emergency occurs, EDClass works in conjunction with a school to prioritise the child’s safety. “The consistent implementation of well-designed procedures regarding safeguarding ensures that staff respond swiftly to any identified concerns and share information appropriately.”
EDClass has safe and secure systems in places which operate separately from general traffic to steer children away from external threats online. “Consequently, children do not need to make use of other websites or platforms while attending lessons.”

Parental Support

EDClass uses a triangulated approach with schools, parents and pupils to prioritise progression. Regular review meetings are implemented to ensure strategies can be integrated to further support a child. EDClass falls in line with the SEND & AP Improvement Plan of fulfilling children’s potential and building parent’s confidence that their child is receiving the best support possible.
“Pupils typically have a positive view of EDClass. They specifically praised the way they can work on their learning without distraction and the quality of support they receive from subject specialist teachers.”
“Parents and carers who responded to the online questionnaire also typically expressed positive views of EDClass. Parents comments highlight the caring staff and the wide range of materials available to support their child’s learning.”
EDClass is flexible and can support children in a variety of ways.