Functional Skills English

The aim of the functional skills in English qualifications is to equip learners with the confidence to develop and apply their English knowledge and skills to new situations in their life and work. The assessments, therefore, focus on functionality and the application of skills as articulated by the functional skills criteria in English.

Our numeracy and literacy resources are great for:

• Learners struggling to grasp the basic rules of writing, spelling and grammar?
• Challenging learners of all abilities
• Improving learning with transition year groups
• Catch-up programmes
• Student with English as a second language
• Adult learners
• Learners with low confidence
• One-to-one session
• Personalised learning

Here are just some of the resources and lessons a learner can work through in the functional skills English suite:

• Analysing a newspaper article - fact and opinion
• Apostrophes
• Basic sentences
• Bias, opinion and fact
• Class and college rules
• Communicating Information, ideas and suggestions
• Comparatives and superlatives
• Comparing texts
• Completing forms
• Conjunctions
• Correcting correctly
• Dealing with complaints
• Descriptive words
• Developing a formal writing style
• Different types of texts
• Different ways of learning
• Expressing preference
• Fact and opinion
• Features of informative, explanatory and discursive Writing
• Formal and informal writing
• Formal letter-writing
• Getting it right: Punctuating speech
• Getting it right: Spelling
• Getting it right: Using commas
• Getting it right: Writing accurate and varied sentences
• Healthy lifestyles
• Identifying a writer's purpose
• Identifying the main point
• Identifying the main points in a text
• Information in graphs and charts
• Interview techniques
• Investigating newspapers
• Irregular past tense
• Job applications
• Making a spoken complaint
• Making a written complaint
• Navigating a college prospectus (using 'contents' pages and 'index' pages)
• Negatives
• Note-taking
• Ordering words in alphabetical order
• Organising an event
• Personal statements
• Persuasive language
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Formal and informal language
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Planning methods
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Reading and understanding - Reading strategies
• Reading maps
• Reading skills
• Reading timetables
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Reading and understanding - text features
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Styles of writing – descriptive writing
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Styles of writing - explaining
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Styles of writing – narrative
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Text types 1 - email
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Text types 2 - letters
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Text types 3 - forms
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Text types 4 – reports
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Vocabulary
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Writing choices
• Planning and writing for audience and purpose: Writing practice
• Planning
• Practicing paragraphs
• Prepositions
• Presentational devices
• Pronouns and narrative voice
• Proofreading
• Proper nouns
• Punctuation
• Quick-fix punctuation
• Quick-fix vocabulary
• Reading: Distinguishing between different types
• Reading: Filling in forms
• Reading: Identifying the main point
• Reading: Instructions
• Reading: Understanding different types of texts
• Reading: Understanding inference and deduction
• Reading: Searching for information in texts - skimming and scanning
• Reading: Sequencing
• Reading a media text advertisement
• Reading about holidays
• Reading about people
• Reading about people
• Reading about places
• Reading about properties
• Reading about safety
• Reading and summarising effectively
• Reading and understanding the highway code
• Reading comprehension
• Reading information in charts
• Reading introduction: Purpose and audience
• Reading to identify tenses
• Reading websites
• Report writing
• Retrieving information
• Root word
• Short explanations
• Speaking and listening
• Spelling high-frequency words
• Spelling patterns for plurals
• Spelling
• Spellings with suffixes 'ive' and 'ist'
• Standard English
• Standard English: Writing
• Standard English and register
• The alphabet
• There/their/they're
• To/too/two
• Understanding bias
• Understanding explicit and implicit meanings
• Understanding functional skills
• Understanding signs
• Understanding syllables
• Using a library
• Using a range of writing styles for different purposes
• Using apostrophes
• Using commas
• Using colons
• Using colons and semicolons
• Using exclamation marks
• Using full stops
• Using question marks
• Word Ffamilies
• Writing: Conjunctions
• Writing a CV
• Writing a news report
• Writing a report
• Writing a speech
• Writing an essay
• Writing for different purposes: Letter of application
• Writing for different purposes: Letter of complaint
• Writing for different purposes: Letter writing
• Writing instructions
• Writing paper: Purpose, form and audience
• Writing Paper: Writing to argue, persuade and advise
• Writing persuasively
• Writing questions
• Writing skills: Punctuation
• Writing to inform, explain and comment
• Writing with formal language
• You the examiner: Practice assessment (letter of complaint) and more!

The functional skills English suite by EDClass also comes with practice, timed and open exams, to develop the learner's confidence when it comes to exam time.