Leadership and Management

With EDClass, all leaders can:

  • Link observations to evaluations, development plans, Ofsted criteria, support plans or current pedagogical research.
  • Target development on a whole school, key stage, year group, pupil group, subject or teacher or HLTA / TA level.
  • Create targets for staff that are linked to whole-school priorities, either part of the school improvement plan or identified as personal areas for development.
  • Create a culture of self and peer-reflection within your school.
  • Ensure CPD has a sustained and stepped approach.
  • Manage and monitor CPD pathways for all staff.
  • Facilitate evidence-based evaluation, both internally and externally, via school experts.
  • Have peace of mind that the programme is secure and all safeguarding requirements are met.
  • Extend professional practice through expert discussion groups and training.
  • Streamline performance management and ensure staff are regularly engaging with the process.
  • Allow those teachers on a support plan to share classroom observations with mentors, or even outsource support plans and competency discussions with an education expert for an objective, external approach.