Teacher Training

Add the EDQuals platform to your organisation’s Continuing Professional Development provision to help your teachers learn new skills and gain additional qualifications.

Following a recent Ofsted monitoring report, EDQuals has been proven to raise standards in teaching. The platform can host a comprehensive teacher training programme with an effective system of performance management.

Teachers and other staff can access and complete their training at their own pace and integrate their professional development with their day-to-day work.

How can EDQuals contribute to your school's CPD provision?

  • Coaching and assessment via our unique video analysis system
  • Action plan to improve teacher standards
  • Ensure internal policies have been read and understood
  • Recordable sessions for sharing good practice
  • Blended e-learning with a digital CPD portfolio
  • Improve teaching standards for any subject
  • Implement a whole-school improvement strategy
  • Create an induction programme for new staff
  • Monitor and assess performance and achievements