White Papers

2023 EDClass White Paper Report - Myth Busting Unregistered Online Alternative Provision and the Benefits an Effective Online AP can Provide

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EDClass 2022/23 white paper front cover

Breaking barriers to learning can even be achieved via an online alternative provision despite not being registered. The placement should be “a suitable and safe placement that will meet pupils’ academic/vocational/technical needs, pastoral needs and, if appropriate, SEND needs.” (School Inspection Handbook, 2022)

The benefits an online alternative provision can provide are immense. There need to be stringent safeguarding measures, attendance tracking and alert mechanisms with flawless communication between the school and provider.

The students within these provisions need guidance, support and designated learning pathways with support if they require it. Once this is in place, the school and student both benefit and barriers to learning are broken. Read the white paper by clicking the image or by clicking here.

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EDClass White Paper 2022 - A report into the role of alternative provision from the pandemic and its impact into the future

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EDClass 2022 white paper front cover

This report outlines the experiences within the education sector during the pandemic. It also focuses on the effectiveness online learning can display within alternative provision settings, and what alternative provisions should consist of.

EDClass’ online alternative provision methodology working with schools has been supporting students online with full safeguarding mechanisms integrated.

EDClass conducted a quantitative survey with its current customers to inform the EdTech community about the legitimate needs of Senior Leadership Teams (SLT), schools and academies when it comes to alternative provisions. Read the white paper by clicking the image or by clicking here