RSE Policy


EDClass is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all learners. This policy outlines our approach to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) which is a key part of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education. RSE goes beyond just sex education. It equips learners with the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to develop positive, healthy relationships and make informed choices about their lives.


●To promote the emotional, social, and cultural development of learners, fostering a strong sense of self-worth. 

●To enable learners to form and maintain healthy, respectful relationships, both online and offline. 

●To provide accurate and relevant information about sex, sexuality, sexual health, and well-being. 

●To empower learners to make informed choices about their relationships and health. 

●To develop learners' understanding of online safety related to relationships and sex. 

What is RSE? 

RSE is a lifelong learning journey that equips learners with the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to navigate their physical, social, and emotional development. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding by empowering learners to build healthy relationships, make informed choices, and identify and report abuse or exploitation. 

RSE for All Learners: 

Our RSE program is designed to be inclusive and meet the diverse needs of all our learners. We understand that young people come from a variety of backgrounds and may have different experiences and questions regarding relationships and sex education. We firmly believe that every learner deserves access to RSE that is relevant to their own life and circumstances. 

In line with the Equalities Act, our program strives to be sensitive to and inclusive of learners with diverse identities and backgrounds. This includes the protected characteristics such as sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, special educational needs and disabilities. We also recognise that the concept of "family" encompasses a wide range of structures, and we celebrate this diversity. 

Delivery and Content: 

●The main RSE programme will be planned and delivered through our online classroom and it is part of a learner's timetable, based on their needs. 

●In addition, certain biological aspects are delivered through Science lessons, other aspects of RSE arise in one-to-one discussions with teachers and cross-curricular links exist within a number of subject areas including History, Biology and English. 

●Our RSE curriculum is developed in consultation with staff, parents/carers (where applicable), and learners. 

●It will be age-appropriate for all our learners and follow the Department for Education guidance.

●Primary Education: Parents/carers of learners in primary education have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from non-statutory elements of RSE, such as those focusing specifically on relationships and puberty. This right applies up to three terms before the child turns 16. 

We encourage parents/carers to discuss any concerns they may have about RSE with EDClass before making a decision to withdraw their child. We believe that open communication between home and EDClass is essential in ensuring all learners receive a comprehensive RSE education. 

Secondary Education: In secondary schools, parents/carers also have the right to request withdrawal from non-statutory elements of RSE. The process for this is the same 
as in primary schools. 

Teaching Online Effectively: 

Recognising the online nature of our provision, we will implement the following strategies to ensure effective delivery of RSE, ensuring accessibility for all learners, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): 

●Interactive Platform: Our online platform facilitates interaction and engagement, such as one-to-one discussions with teachers, video resources, polls and quizzes to gauge learner understanding, and whiteboards for collaborative activities. 

●Variety of Resources: Lessons will incorporate a blend of resources to cater to different learning styles, including video clips, animations, infographics, and online articles. 

●Safe Online Environment: We will establish clear guidelines for online behaviour and communication to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment. This may include using anonymity features for sensitive discussions. 

●Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning: A combination of live online discussions with a teacher and asynchronous learning activities (e.g., pre-recorded videos, discussion forums) will provide flexibility and cater to different learning paces. 

●Digital Citizenship: RSE lessons will integrate aspects of digital citizenship, teaching learners about online safety, responsible online behaviour, and critical evaluation of online information. Accessibility for learners with special needs and disabilities (SEND): In addition to the teaching methods listed above, we will take the following steps to ensure RSE is accessible for learners with SEND: 

●Staff Training: All staff delivering RSE will receive training on how to meet the needs of learners with SEND. 

●Individualised Plans: Some learners with SEND may require individualised plans to support their learning in RSE. These plans will be developed in consultation with parents/carers and relevant professionals. 

●Safeguarding: We recognize that learners with SEND may more vulnerable to abuse or exploitation. We will ensure that RSE lessons cover safeguarding topics in a way that is accessible to all learners. 

Roles and Responsibilities 

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is delivered through a combination of the PSHE program, science lessons, and other relevant curriculum areas. All teachers play a vital pastoral role by offering support to learners. Any teacher should be approachable by learners who are experiencing difficulties related to sex or relationships. 

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will actively support the delivery and development of RSE in line with this policy. This includes providing leadership and ensuring adequate resources are available. The RSE Lead will maintain an overall view of RSE provision and hold ultimate responsibility for its development. This role involves: 

●Staying current with developments and best practices in RSE. 

●Adapting the program to meet the evolving needs of learners. 

●Providing support and resources for teaching staff. 

●Arranging staff training on RSE delivery. 

●Liaising with external agencies that can provide support. 

●Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the RSE program. 

RSE lessons are delivered on our online classroom and teachers will provide support to learners either in a one-to-one discussion through our chat function, or via a video call. They will have access to information about the RSE program and be equipped to fulfil their pastoral role effectively. 


Our RSE curriculum is delivered within the PSHE framework and is age-appropriate for all our learners. It will be: 

●Developed in consultation with staff, parents/carers (where applicable), learners as well as the PSHE association.  

●Regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the needs of our learners and current guidance. 

●Delivered sensitively and inclusively, acknowledging the diversity of backgrounds and experiences within our learner body. 

The curriculum will cover topics such as: 

Relationships: Developing healthy friendships, communication skills, consent, respect, and online safety. 

●Sex and Sexuality: Understanding physical and emotional changes during puberty, human anatomy and reproduction, contraception, sexual health, and different sexualities. 

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Building awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ identities. 

Safeguarding: Identifying and reporting abuse, exploitation, and unhealthy relationships. 

Monitoring, Feedback and Evaluation 

To ensure our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) program stays effective and meets the evolving needs of our learners, we regularly assess its impact through a multi-pronged approach. This includes: 

●Dedicated Team: A team oversees the program's implementation and effectiveness. This team might involve the RSE Lead, members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), and teachers who deliver RSE. 

●Gathering Feedback: We actively seek feedback from learners and teachers involved in the program. learners can participate in anonymous surveys and focus groups, while teachers can provide feedback on the curriculum and delivery methods. 

●Reviewing learner Work: We analyse learner work, such as assignments or quizzes, to identify areas where understanding may need to be strengthened. 

●Monitoring Practices: Informed by the Ofsted Framework, we monitor the program through methods like auditing work submitted by our learners, to assess content coverage, sharing successful teaching strategies to inspire improvement, and observing RSE lessons delivered by staff. 

●learner Voice: learner voice is influential in evaluating and adapting our RSE curriculum. 

Therefore we will provide opportunities for learners to contribute to the development and delivery of the RSE curriculum.  By using this comprehensive approach, we can continually improve our RSE program, ensuring it delivers relevant and valuable learning experiences for all learners. 

This policy will be reviewed on 12th August 2024. It will be reviewed by the RSE Lead, members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in order to ensure that it meets the needs of learners, staff and parents and that it is in line with current Department for Education advice and guidance.