British Values
EDClass is committed to serving its school communities. EDClass embraces the belief that at the heart of modern ever-changing communities is the acceptance of key British values, which we have a responsibility to promote. In doing so, our learners will be able to grow as individuals and citizens within their communities and the country in which they live.
EDClass believes that this is something not only achieved through the curriculum but through our core values and ethos as well as our provision for students beyond formal lessons. Our core values guide and drive the direction of our improvement but are also fundamental in supporting the development of British values within our setting.
Throughout our alternative provision, the importance of mutual respect is emphasised. Thus, in all support chats and lessons, students are encouraged to respect the views of others, irrespective of whether they differ from their own.
At EDClass these values are explicitly taught within the humanities curriculum. They are further embraced throughout the school curriculum in its focus on SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development).
We are proud to have a range of pre-recorded lessons, supporting e-learning sessions, resources and content for:
- British Values
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Community
- Multi-Cultural Britain
- Radicalisation
Prevent with EDClass
We also have the following Prevent topics available:
- Prevent Strategy - Student Lesson
- Radicalisation and the PREVENT Strategy - Parent Lesson
- Radicalisation and the PREVENT Strategy - Student Lesson
- Run Tell Hide - What to do in the event of a terrorist attack - Parent and Student Lesson
The range of lessons on our platform provides opportunities for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our learners. As part of this, we promote the ‘fundamental British Values’. As well as these expectations we also prevent the promotion of partisan political views in the teaching of every subject. We also take steps to ensure that, where political issues are brought to the attention of pupils, the pupils are offered a balanced presentation of opposing views.
While we have specific British Values lessons in our curriculum we look to take a holistic approach wherever possible, rather than just focusing on individual subjects. In English, we look at stories that teach themes of tolerance, mutual respect and democracy. In addition, we look at poetry and other writings from other cultures - and talk about diversity, tolerance and discrimination. In Geography, we also look at how different cultures live and work throughout the world.
Learners have access to a range of lessons that cover both impartial information and advice and guidance on how to use institutions and services such as the NHS, the police service, youth court and magistrates court, fire services, and ambulance service. Lessons focus on the nature of the work of these services and also cover the ideals they hold as well as their commitment to serving the public. Learners can be directed to these lessons by teachers on EDSupport or can be set as a timetabled lesson set.
Further to that, information on institutions and public services is sometimes imparted through EDSupport chats, for example,, should learners disclose an upcoming court hearing, personal issues that merit medical appointments or discuss possible careers in such services.