​How to make good out of a bad situation.

Schools really don't want to exclude learners. Ideally, learners need to be in school, learning.  Unfortunately, sometimes schools need to exclude a learner, and this can be detrimental to both. Schools don't want attendance figures to fall and they don't want a learner to stop following the curriculum. It's important for a learner to meet their best/target grades in order to have the best life chances in the future. 

We can help with this. A learner can be put on a seat, with all of our safeguarding tools, very quickly, in order to help them learn and have an increased protection while they are not on school premises.  Learners can follow your current half-termly curriculum for their year group, with all work marked, by us, and given feedback. They can also work through behaviour lessons relating to the issues which led to their exclusion. 

All information relating to a learner's progress, such as: lessons completed; time spent in each lesson; student responses; teachers' feedback; live video feeds; chat messages; scores/marks; rewards, is recorded and monitored, and helps support both a school's behaviour and expectations policies and any reintegration meeting.  EDClass can help you reduce the number of school days of exclusion and increase attendance. 

EDClass was initially created, to prevent 34 students from being permanently excluded from a school over one term. It worked. It is now a powerful resource, enabling learners to continue learning when working in an inclusion unit or at home. Our unique methodology gives every learner the chance to succeed through the study of National Curriculum subjects or simply core subjects. EDClass enables learners to learn, progress and attain in an environment that is suited to their specific needs.

All completed work can be tracked to see a learner's progress and data relating to their progress can be presented/printed in the form of reports and/or graphs. With personalised pathways for your learners to work through, knowledge and understanding can be developed whilst barriers to learning are removed.

The EDClass platform has proved successful in improving behaviour and minimising issues that may occur when a pupil returns to the mainstream classroom.

EDClass is a great motivational tool; it creates a positive learning experience for learners who are: vulnerable (with a short-term / long-term medical or mental health condition); Fixed-Term Excluded/NEETs/in Inclusion; Home-Educated; targeted fast-track/Grade 4-5 borderline.                          

We now have over 60,000 students online, learning and gaining National Curriculum and vocational qualifications in over 200 schools and academies.

Using EDClass

You can create User Accounts in seconds on EDClass, and then assign personalised pathways of learning:

  • You can devise pathways for each learner from our suite of currently over 10,000 lessons
  • You can edit/adapt our lessons before adding them to your bespoke pathways
  • You can choose from our lesson 'sets', for example 'KS4 An Inspector Calls: Middle Ability Pathway' with 'KS4 Probability- Single Events: Middle Ability Pathway' (learners do not see lesson set titles)
  • You can transfer your own lessons into our EDLounge format and create pathways from them / add them together with lessons from our suite

You can use EDClass in order to::

  • Improve disengaged students' knowledge and understanding through interactive learning approaches
  • Improve behaviour, motivation and attendance whilst promoting fun learning
  • Gain National Curriculum and vocational qualifications
  • Enable teaching staff to track and monitor data of a student's progress in English, maths and science, alongside Functional Skills and vocational subjects
  • Provide a new and innovative approach to your Alternative Provision: you can now prepare your students for their Maths and English qualifications through our Functional Skills lessons 
  • Reward students instantly for answers submitted, effort, grade, commitment, coursework, homework and time spent learning