Quality Assurance

Within EDClass there is a quality assurance section which is a new and innovative approach that enables Senior Leaders and Heads of Departments to evidence the implementation of numerous whole school policies and procedures whilst having a central monitoring platform that highlights the impact and intent of every aspect of: 

Implementing a whole school quality assurance solution 

The central staff assessment and CPD portal within EDClass was designed from an Ofsted monitoring visit in July 2019 to make an easier and more comfortable experience out of classroom monitoring without sacrificing quality. It is a unique and inspirational platform designed to revolutionise CPD and place it at the heart of school improvement. It is proven to:


  • Safeguarding for Leadership and Management
  • Teaching and learning
  • Quality First Teaching


  • Professional Development
  • Performance Management
  • Coaching and mentoring throughout each department


  • Middle leaders
  • Teacher training
  • Classroom management
  • SEND Delivery

Managers, Heads of Departments and SLT can set criteria in line with your school policies to base feedback on. Teachers can use it to evaluate their own performance, use it for peer assessment or for observations without the added pressure of another person in their classroom. We understand that observations can be subjective as the Inspector can only see that one lesson – with our observation system you can record a range of lessons to evidence progress over time.

You can use this tool to stream live everything in a chosen classroom or watch a previously recorded session at your leisure. Feedback is easily accessed and recorded on the system – there is an option to live  annotate feedback at the specific moment in the video that it is relevant to. This aspect of EDClass has the ability to rewind back through the pre-recorded videos as well, to be able to fully assess the situation.

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By creating the bank of recorded lessons/clips/plenaries/discussions/assemblies/tactics/approaches/teaching tricks, pedagogies or methodologies, you are also able to use the observation platform as a whole school solution. Easily use it as evidence for HR performance reviews, mock OFSTED inspections, as a catch-up tool for any student missing a session, use as model examples of teaching for training, or to review any incidents that may have happened.

With the EDClass observation all leaders can:

  • Link observations to evaluations, development plans, Ofsted criteria, support plans or current pedagogical research.
  • Target development on a whole school, key stage, year group, pupil group, subject or teacher or HLTA / TA level.
  • Create targets for staff that are linked to whole-school priorities, the art of the school improvement plan or identified as personal areas for development.
  • Create a culture of self and peer reflection within your school.
  • Ensure CPD has a sustained and stepped approach.
  • Manage and monitor CPD pathways for all staff.
  • Facilitate evidence-based evaluation both internally and externally via school experts.
  • Have peace of mind that the programme is secure and all safeguarding requirements are met.
  • Extend professional practice through expert discussion groups and training.

Teaching and Learning

SLT can watch a teacher's performance through a live stream of their classroom, or a pre-recorded video of a lesson. Through this, they can then assess and tag both strong and weak delivery of lessons, providing highlight reels of strengths and areas for further development. This can help create ideas on how to approach individual teachers' performance reviews.

Good Practice

This software definitely epitomises that and helps senior leaders and teachers share good and bad performance in order to evaluate, analyse and assess, which can only help improve standards and quality.


This is a transparent and non-threatening platform that allows teachers’ skills and delivery to be captured, evaluated and analysed against national inspection frameworks and the school's own standards and targets.

Curriculum delivery and live Interaction

Your curriculum delivery can be tracked and recorded using this unique software to increase personal progress and raise teaching standards, which can be witnessed and evidenced over any period of time. The live interaction between teacher and pupils is recorded and can be shared as evidence with Inspectors simply by the click of a button. Everything that is identified, highlighted and tagged is placed onto a time line and into an action plan to share good practice. Every staff member has a unique timeline and action plan for evidence of: 

  • their own professional development
  • improvement of Teaching, Learning and interaction with each class member
  • enhancing standards and delivery
  • improving ITT standards
  • helping to see teaching traits to improve classroom management
  • seeing classroom behaviours through reviews and departmental discussions
  • standard fulfilment for Government inspection review

In addition, the technology that shows interaction and teaching and learning reduce: 

  • stresses through learner walkthroughs
  • teaching assessments
  • the requirement to have assessors present at the back of the classroom – they can now just simply log in 


We know that schools need strong governance, yet often governors’ time is limited. Our observation package can:

  • allow governors to access training and governor support in their own time
  • host remote subcommittees
  • monitor CPD and identify gaps in staff skills
  • streamline headteacher appraisal and performance management targets
  • monitor the school’s appraisal policy
  • make part in lesson observations outside of school hours
  • access expert support

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